
Windows 10 Vhd Download

A VHD file is available for download here:
This is for Ubuntu 10.04 32-bit desktop version.
---------- README ------
VMLite VBoot - Linux VHD Boot
updated on May-02-10
Copyright © 2010, VMLite Inc.
1 Overview
1.1 Linux as Real Appliance
With VBoot for Linux, you can pre-install and pre-configure Linux OS and its applications, then distribute the resulting virtual disk file in VHD format. The vhd can boot a real computer, with configuration and apps instantly available. This way, operating systems are truly manageable, as simple as files. We call such a Linux VHD to be a real appliance, in the sense that it boots physical computers.
It's very easy to setup and boot a computer with a vhd file. You download the vhd file, drop it to Windows or Linux file system, then configure the boot loader, and reboot the computer.
1.2 Linux as Virtual Appliance
The exact same vhd file also runs as a virtual machine using virtualization software, such as VMLite Workstation, VirtualBox, Xen and Virtual PC and Hyper-V, etc. By default, it's optimized for VMLite Workstation.
If VMLite Workstation is installed, you can simply double click the ubuntu-1004-desktop-i386.mop file to launch the vhd as a virtual machine with VMLite Workstation.
1.3 USB Boot Made Eas
You just need to store the vhd file to usb drive, then hook the USB to different computers to boot. If your computer BIOS does not support USB boot, you need to configure GRUB2 to support USB.
1.4 The sample Ubuntu VHD
The sample ubuntu-1004-desktop-i386.vhd is a pre-installed 32-bit Ubuntu 9.10 desktop version in English.
self growing disk with disk capacity of 100G, with initial size about 3G
root username/password: user/welcome
1.5 Make your own Ubuntu 9.10 32-bit VHD
If you don't want to use our pre-built ubuntu-1004-desktop-i386.vhd file, you can go ahead to create your own .vhd file. Follow the following instructions:
Download VMLite Workstation, and create a Linux (Ubuntu 32-bit) virtual machine using Ubuntu 9.10 32-bit CDROM
Make sure you use .VHD file, run from command line: 'VBoxManage createhd --format vhd --filename c:ubuntu-1004ubuntu-1004-desktop-i386.vhd -size 102400 --remember'
After the vhd file is created, you need to download our patched initrd and VBoot Loader files from our download page. You place your own .VHD file to the same directory as VBoot files.
2 System Requirements
Windows 2000 and Later, 32- and 64- bit, NTFS file systemGRUB2 or other compatible boot loaders, 32- and 64- bit
Mac - to be supported soon
4G disk space
3 Download and Extract
The sample Ubuntu 9.10 package is a few hundred MB, so it will take quite some time to download, and it's recommended to use a download manager, such as FlashGet.
Once download is complete, first you need to extract the file, which is in .7z format. More info can be found at www.7-zip.org/download.html. On Windows, you can use WinRar or 7Zip to extract the file. On Linux, you can use the following commands to install 7zip, and unzip the file:
sudo apt-get install p7zip
p7zip -d ubuntu-1004.7z
In order to boot a computer using the vhd file, make sure that it's not extracted to a network drive, or to another virtual disk. The vhd file must reside in a basic volume on internal or external hard disks (e.g., USB drives), otherwise, it won't boot.
4 Install on Windows
If your current host is Windows, you need to install VBoot loader, and add a boot entry to Windows boot manager. In addition, you need to tell VBoot where to find the vhd file.
4.1 Automatic Setup by running setup.exe
It's highly recommend that you use this method to setup VBoot on Windows, since it's extremely simple and automates everything. You simply double click setup.exe on 32-bit Windows, or setup64.exe on 64-bit Windows. The setup utility will install VBoot Loader, and configure the Windows boot loader to contain an entry to boot the Linux VHD.
After setup.exe is successfully run, you reboot the computer, and you should see a 'VBoot - Ubuntu VHD Boot' entry as the last one, select this entry to boot to Linux.
4.2 Manual Setup
If somehow the automatic setup doesn't work, then you can perform the following manual steps:
4.2.1 Copy VBoot Loader Files
The VBoot loader is based on GNU GRUB2, and its files are located in vboot sub directory.
vbootldr.mbr and vbootldr are the two critical boot loader files that must be copied to the root directory of a drive, typical C:.
The fonts directory contains font files to be used by our boot loader.
The grub directory contains grub2 modules, and the very import grub.cfg configuration file.
For example, if you want to copy the files to C:, you need to copy the vboot directory to c:, so you will have c:vboot directory. Then you must copy vbootldr.mbr and vbootldr to c:.
The following commands can be used to copy the files. Make sure to run from the extracted dir.
md c:vboot
xcopy /s vboot c:vboot
copy vbootvbootldr c:
copy vbootvbootldr.mbr c:
4.2.2 Configure grub.cfg
A sample grub.cfg file is placed in c:vbootgrub directory (or d:vbootgrub depending on where you have copied the files). This is the GRUB2 configuratrion file to load operating systems. Inside this file, the vhd file path is hard coded, and thus you have to modify it.
grub.cfg is a text file that you can use notepad to open and modify. The relevant portion is shown below:
menuentry 'VHD Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.32-21-generic' {
insmod vhd
vhd vhd0 (hd0,1)/ubuntu-1004/ubuntu-1004-desktop-i386.vhd --partitions
linux (vhd0,1)/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-21-generic root=/dev/sda1 vloop=/ubuntu-1004/ubuntu-1004-desktop-i386.vhd quiet splash
initrd (vhd0,1)/boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-21-generic
menuentry groups a specific operating system. The first line insmod vhd inserts our vhd.mod module to the boot loader. vhd.mod is a GRUB2 module that treats a vhd file as hard disk, and allows GRUB2 to read files from the vhd. For example, the Linux kernel and initrd are loaded from the vhd file, as configured above.
There are three paths (as shown in red) related to the vhd file that you need to change depending on the directory to which the vhd file is extracted.
The vhd path (hd0,1)/ubuntu-1004/ubuntu-1004-desktop-i386.vhd is in GRUB2 format where (hd0,1) indicates hard disk 0 and partition 1, with the rest is the absolute path in UNIX format. For example, if your vhd file is inside a folder called 123 on an external USB disk, then you need to change this path to something like (hd1,1)/123/ubuntu-1004-desktop-i386.vhd. The path immediately after vloop= should be the same absolute path without the disk number and partition number.
The root path is the Linux device name for the disk where the vhd file resides. The number is the partition number, and the letter 'a', 'b', 'c', etc, represents which disk. For (hd0,1), the name would be /dev/sda1; For (hd1,1), it would be /dev/sdb1; For (hd2,4), it would be /dev/sdc4, etc.
44.2.3 Configure Windows Boot Loader
Once VBoot Loader and the vhd file are ready, you need to configure Windows boot manager, so you can boot to the Linux VHD. You need to append the vbootldr.mbr entry to the [operating systems] section. The following is sample boot.ini file with VBoot entry added at the very last. Shown in red is what you need to add to boot.ini. Change C: to whatever drive you have copied VBoot Loader files.
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINDOWS='Microsoft Windows XP Professional' /noexecute=optin /fastdetect
C:vbootldr.mbr='VBoot - Ubuntu VHD Boot' Windows Vista/2008/7
Windows Vista and above use a different mechanism other than boot.init to boot, and you need to run bcdedit.exe to make changes to the boot manager. The following are the commands to run if you have copied VBoot Loader to drive C:. You must rum these commands as Administrator. Go to Windows Start menu > All Programs > Accessories, then right click on 'Command Prompt', then select 'Run As Administrator'. Once command prompt window is open, you can enter these commands.
bcdedit /create {D3DCE997-7447-41FC-9740-A8D20EE3BF55} /d 'Ubuntu VHD Boot' /application BOOTSECTOR
bcdedit /set {D3DCE997-7447-41FC-9740-A8D20EE3BF55} device partition=C:
bcdedit /set {D3DCE997-7447-41FC-9740-A8D20EE3BF55} path vbootldr.mbr
bcdedit /displayorder {D3DCE997-7447-41FC-9740-A8D20EE3BF55} /addlast
bcdedit /timeout 30
5 Install on Linux
On Linux systems, there is no need to install VBoot Loader. Instead, you only need to add an entry to your current boot loader so the Linux VHD can be booted.
5.1 Configure GRUB2
You can edit the GRUB2 config file, /boot/grub/grub.cfg, using any text editor, and insert an entry like the following:
menuentry 'VHD Ubuntu, Linux 2.6.32-21-generic' {
linux (hd0,1)/ubuntu-1004/vmlinuz-2.6.32-21-generic root=/dev/sda1 vloop=/ubuntu-1004/ubuntu-1004-desktop-i386.vhd quiet splash
initrd (hd0,1)/ubuntu-1004/initrd.img-2.6.32-21-generic
There are some subtle differences between Linux and Windows host. On Windows where our GRUB2 module,vhd.mod, is available, you can configure GRUB2 to load the Linux kerenl and initrd from the exactly same vhd file, whereas on Linux systems, the kernel and initrd are separate files residing externally. In other words, on Windows, it's strictly only one vhd file is required; whereas on Linux, 3 files (kernel, initrd, vhd) are required. We will try to make the vhd.mod module to support Linux file system soon.
Obviously, you need to change the paths depending on the directory to which the kernel, initrd and vhd files are extracted.
The path (hd0,1) indicates hard disk 0 and partition 1, with the rest is the absolute path in UNIX format. For example, if your vhd file is inside a folder called 123 on an external USB disk, then you need to change this path to something like (hd1,1)/123/ubuntu-1004-desktop-i386.vhd. The path immediately after vloop= should be the same absolute path without the disk number and partition number.
The root path is the Linux device name for the disk where the vhd file resides. The number is the partition number, and the letter 'a', 'b', 'c', etc, represents which disk. For (hd0,1), the name would be /dev/sda1; For (hd1,1), it would be /dev/sdb1; For (hd2,4), it would be /dev/sdc4, etc.
5.3 Configure Legacy GRUB
For GRUB 0.97 and similar, you can add an entry to your GRUB config file, /boot/grub/menu.lst, using any text editor, and insert an entry like the following:
title VBoot - Ubuntu VHD Boot
kernel /boot/ubuntu-1004/vmlinuz-2.6.32-21-generic root=/dev/sda1 vloop=/boot/ubuntu-1004/ubuntu-1004-desktop-i386.vhd quiet splash
initrd /boot/ubuntu-1004/initrd.img-2.6.32-21-generic
Obviously, you need to adjust the paths according to your own locations for the Linux kernel, initrd and vhd file.
5.4 Configure other Boot Loaders
We haven't tested other Linux boot loaders, such as LILO and SYSLINUX, but they may work as well. The important thing is to add vloop= argument to the Linux kernel line:
root=/dev/sda1 vloop=/boot/ubuntu-1004/ubuntu-1004-desktop-i386.vhd
The above tells where to locate the vhd file.
6 Making your own Linux VHD File
If you want to make your own Linux VHD file to boot, right noow you can do so only if your Linux kernel version is compatible with Ubuntu 9.10 or 10.04. After we release the source code, you can create VHDs by yourself for all Linux kernel versions.
Follow the following steps:
1) Download and install VMLite Workstation.
2) Create a VHD virtual disk file, for example, you can run the following command to create a vhd file with disk capacity of 100G:
VBoxManage createhd --format vhd --filename ubuntu-1004-desktop-i386.vhd -size 102400 --remember
3) Create a vm, attach the VHD file created from step 2), boot teh vm using Ubuntu 9.10 or 10.04 32-bit CDROM, and install Ubuntu inside the vm.
3) After the VHD is ready, you download an initrd file from us, and you will be able to boot the vhd.

VHD (Virtual Hard Disk) is used to contain disk images utilized by Microsoft Virtual Server. These VHD files comprise the data stored within an individual file and it works just like a physical hard drive. You can create the virtual hard disk and save it as the backup of your computer hard disk. The hyper-v also creates .vhd and .vhdx. Creating and managing VHD’s is very simple with Windows and it lets users create and attach a virtual disk even without taking help from any third-party utility. In this article, we will show you a step-by-step solution for how to create and attach VHD permanent in Windows 10 and below versions.

On Windows 10, a virtual hard disk (VHDX or VHD) is a file that can use a '.vhdx' or '.vhd' extension and acts like a physical hard drive, but with the difference that this is a file stored on a. Feb 14, 2011 Windows Virtual PC is the latest Microsoft virtualization technology. Download Free Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 VHD Images for Microsoft Virtual PC - Last updated on August 23, 2011 by VG. If you want to test original Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 for free, you can give a try to free VHD images released by Microsoft.

Windows 10 Vhd Download

  1. I used VirtualBox to create a 640MB VHD (virtual hard disk) named 'Palemoon portable (Linux).vhd'. (Note that the VHD is not a VDI.) I need to format it, but first, I need to mount it. But when I attempt to mount it (as Administrator) via Disk Managment's 'Action' 'Attach VHD' menu choice, 'Attach VHD' is greyed out and cannot be chosen.
  2. Run AIOCreator.exe, switch to Integration, continue to select Windows- Win VHD 7/8.1/10. Now you can boot into Windows VHD in Legacy BIOS mode. You do not need to take the next steps.

Note:- If files lost from VHD or VHDX, then try out this Hyper-V Data Recovery Software. It will easily get all missing files back in the healthy state.

First, let’s understand how to create .vhd or .vhdx in Windows. In the below section you will find a simple and complete guide. After that, you will find a complete guide for how to initialize and attach VHD permanently in Windows.

Quick Guide for You!

Steps to Create VHD or VHDX on Windows 10, 8, 7


Windows 8 Vhd Download

The steps listed here can be slightly different in different versions of Microsoft Windows OS. Here I am showing the screens, taken on Windows 10. To create .vhd file or .vhdx file perform below listed steps.

  1. Right-click on Windows Start menu, select Disk Management or press Windows + R keys and type diskmgmt.msc in the search box and click OK. Simply open the Windows disk management utility.
  2. In Disk Management window, click on Action tab and select Create VHD option.
  3. Click on Browse and navigate to the folder where you want to save the VHD. Also, provide virtual hard disk size.
  4. In File Name section, enter a name for the newly created Virtual Hard Disk.
  5. From Save as type file menu select Virtual Disk files (*.vhd) or Virtual Disk files (*.vhdx) option. Click Save.
  6. Define the desired size for VHD in Virtual hard disk size box in megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or terabytes (TB)
  7. From Virtual hard disk format section, choose VHD or VHDX format as per your current requirements
  8. From the Virtual hard disk type section, select the Fixed Sized option if you want to fix the defined size. Otherwise, select Dynamically expending option for an auto-size increment of this VHD. Eventually, hit the OK button. (Note: If you have selected VHD as Virtual Hard Disk format then, it is advised to choose the Fixed Size option while choosing a type.)

Note: – After finishing these steps a VHD or VHDX will be created to which you can use with any compatible Windows OS. Now move to the second part of this write-up. Let’s understand how can you set-up the VHD file.

Know How to Initialize VHD / VHDX File on Windows 10, 8, 7

With the help of the above steps, you have created an empty VHD without any data and file system. Scanmaster elm software downloads. In order to make it usable, you have to initialize and format it. Below are the steps for how to initialize virtual hard disk?:

Windows 10 Vhd Download 64-bit

  1. Hit a right-click on recently created VHD and select Initialize Disk option in disk management.
  2. Now, choose the disk from the prompted list and check the MBR (Master Boot Record) or GPT (GUID Partition Table) option. (Note: GPT (GUID Partition Table) option is not compatible with all lower versions of Windows OS.) and Click OK.
  3. Hit a right-click on the Unallocated space and choose New Simple Volume option.
  4. After this, define the partition size and leave this field same if you want to use the entire available partition space. Click Next.
  5. From Assign the following drive letter drop-down box, select a drive letter that you want to assign to your drive and click Next. Make sure the assign drive letter is not in use on the same computer.
  6. Choose Format this volume with the following settings option and make sure the following options are selected. Click Next >> Finish.

Now, your VHD / VHDX is initialized, formatted, and partitioned. This VHD will be mounted automatically and can be used to save data items from Windows File Explorer.

Steps to Attach A VHD / VHDX Permanently Windows 10, 8, 7

While setting up, Windows 10 automatically attach the VHD to your device but, in some cases, it doesn’t work. Also, if you already have a VHD or you have created that VHD for an external hard drive then, below is how to attach VHD permanently in Windows 10:

  1. In Disk Management, select Action >> Attach VHD.
  2. Click Browse and navigate to the location of VHD/ VHDX and select it. Click Open.
  3. Finally, click OK.

Now, this VHD/ VHDX can be utilized just like any other in File Explorer Drive. All these steps helped you in creating the virtual hard disk and then initialize the created .vhd or .vhdx. At the last, simple steps to attach VHD permanently windows 7, 8, 10.

Now, You Can Answer These Queries!

  1. How Do I Create VHD File?
  2. How to Initialize VHD and VHDX file in Windows?
  3. How to Attach VHDX File Permanently Windows 10?
  4. Is it Possible to Attach VHD Permanently Windows?

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Concluding Lines

Windows 10 Vhd Download Torrent

How to create, initialize, and attach a VHD or VHDX in Windows 10, 8, 7 and below versions is one of the most searched queries on the Internet today. In order to simplify the whole task, we have come up with this technical blog. Here, we have mentioned all the steps for how to attach VHD permanently in Windows 10 to make this challenging task easier for both geek and non-geek users.