
Piggery Business Plan Pdf

  1. Pig Farming Business Plan
  2. Piggery Business Plan Pdf Philippines

In case you want to set up your piggery farm and has been searching for pig business plan in Nigeria to download. Do you want to secure loan or grant from any bank and you needed to submit pig business plan in PDF or Msword to access the loan? Pig Farming Business Plan In Nigeria PDF – Sample Template. THIS PIGGERY BUSINESS PLAN IS REGULARLY UPDATED AND CAN ALSO BE USED FOR BANK LOANS, GRANTS, PROPOSAL FOR COMPETITIONS ETC. Hongkad font free download. Pig Farming Business Plan In Nigeria. CONTENT OF THE PIGGERY FARMING BUSINESS PLAN IN NIGERIA.

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University of Technology, Jamaica
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Course code: ENT3001
Lecturer: Dr. Horace Williams
October 4, 2012
Group Members:
Garyann Robertson - 1105821
Nastassia Rowe -1101791
Adrean Dawkins -1103471
Oneika Robinson -1102703
Vancine Brown -1100550
Darain Harris -1104783
Table of Contents Content Page Executive Summary Industry Analysis Definition of Market Purpose Of the Business Plan Business Feasibility Justification Of the Business Organization and Management Human Resources Operational Considerations Marketing Arrangement Financial Considerations Implementation of Schedule Appendices
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For the first six months of operation the business will have three employees where two will be working shifts on weekdays and the other on the weekend. As the business expands more man power will be employed.
The venture will start as a small farm that shall expand as the pigs reproduce. Piggery will sell primarily to restaurants, local butchers and supermarkets. As the business it will seek out more lucrative clients such as hotels, or large cooperation’s such as Grace, Eve, Lasco ect. Contracts with such entities will bring additional revenue for further expansion. By the end of the second year of operation the business is expected to double its out. By the end of year six of operations the business is expected to accumulate enough wealth to facilitate growth in the form of opening a new branch in St. Mary Jamaica.
6.0 Justification of the Business
Entrepreneurs creates something of value by pulling together resources, and in order for the venture to be worthwhile the entrepreneur should assume the economic, social and personal satisfaction or benefits associated with venturing in the business of choice.
Economic Benefits
One of the economic benefits of operating a piggery is the opportunity to contribute to the society whilst gaining recognition for the effort. Operation of a business of this kind helps to contribute to the
Thinkers Resource Limited is proud to bring you the exclusive and much sought after quality complete business plan for Piggery business..
We have included an excerpt below for your perusal..
To purchase the complete business plan for a token of N10,000, Please send a mail to dadyielsaniamos@yahoo.com or call (234) 7061096793.
1.0 Executive summary
The followingreport and recommendation relate to the proposal by DADYIEL AMOS to establish apig farm for meat production.
The proposedproject will be fully implemented with an investment of N1,300,000 made up ofN290,000 as fixed capital and N1,010,000 as working capital.
The proposedproject will be located in PLATEAU STATE due to the nature of the pig breed andthe temperature, because pig are allergic to heat, and for the fact that thereis enough and close by market for projects and pork meat. The temperature inPlateau state is around 25 to 280c which research has proved that,rearing pigs is good in temperate region because of their inherent fatiousnature.

One key successfactor shall be our exclusively high quality control techniques, highmanagerial and technical skills and the sophistication of our marketingstrategy. Our revenue base will be from sale of piglets and mature pigs formeat, and the manure. The financial projections reveal a good level ofliquidity and stability. The projected turn over for year 1, year 2, and year 3are N2,500,000, N5,000,000 andN7,500,000. Operating (net) profit in year 1 is N3,091,000 increasing toN6,341,000 in year 2 and year 3 is N10,927,000.
The vision ofthis farm is to provide top quality meat for healthy living of people all overthe world and to be a leading producer of pork farm meat.
The competitiveedge of BAMAIYI PIG FARM is the wonderful managerial skills the far possessesand the discount structure, and quality customer care culture that will appealto our highly esteemed clients.
Theprofitability indicators as extracted from the projected embodied in this planare as

From the pointof view of the analysis our findings, the proposed project is found to betechnically feasible; financially viable and economically desirable. Theproject offers good investment benefits. We therefore highly recommend it forimplementation.
This plan purports to examine the importance of pigfarming. The role of pig farming cannot be over emphasized; pigs can be raisedin a Controlled or free environment, in a small or large scale business. But in whateversize, a prospective farmer would need input as to how to raise pigs.Efficiently and in more productive manner – No branch of live stock farming gives betterresults than rising of well – bred Swine, when conducted with a reasonableamount. The pig is one of the important animals to rise in the farm either formeat or for profit, and no farm is amplest unless some pigs are kept to aid themodern method of farming,that means pigs are having positive external effect on farm land.
Till date, in Nigeria the pig farming has not betaken with vigorous intend, the farmers in the east and the north, west arestill to come to the reality and importance of pig farming. The pig requireless lab our, less capital, less equipment and makes greater gains than anyother farm animal, and money invested more quickly than any other farm animal .
Pig feeders can be obtained from stock breeders, andproducers, in question and classified into different categories some are wellsuited for a specific environment indoors or outdoors. Crossbred pigs tend togross faster consume food more efficiently and are vigorous when buying afeeder, choose the large and healthy looking ones at least 25Ibs, If you arechoosing a male, which is observed to grow slightly faster than females, getone that is already castrated. Male or Female they must be preferably Immunizedask the breeder for health information and stock of the breeder. Pigs needhousing to keep them warns during cold temperatures and to shelter them fromexcessive heat. Pigs are sensitive to heat and could die of heat stress whenhoused indoors, temperature condition must be well regulated, and Controlledtemperature condition can help to maximize growth. Cooking mechanism for pigscan come in from of drift water system or wallow (for a hog pen).
A major concern about pig farming is that, mostfarmers do it in a local way, and the pig farming is for commercial purpose butnot in large scale production.
And another concern is the sanitary aspect,Sanitation is important to keep the pigs disease free. A mechanism for easycleaning and removal of waste is necessary for any type of pig housing somelike scoffed pen floors to make waste collection easy.
The ignorant of knowing that pigs are suppose to besold out between 5 to 7 months and after then they can lost their weight whicha nor vice farmer cannot understand, and their by reducing his revenue. To sameextend we can say the pigs have demising marginal utility when it comes totheir weight. (The more the grow, their weight increases, but get to a pointwhen their weight began to decrease). Some farmers are of the opine that pigfarming is growth enhancing both to private individual and the canary us awhole.
Mission Statement: to ensure effective and efficientproduction and distribution of meat at affordable prices.
1.2 MISION STATEMENT To provide top quality meat for healthy living ofpeople all over the world. My businessis production and scales of pork and life pigs. I plan to establish a companythat will produce those pigs in commercial quantity and sale to my numerouscustomers. We want to feed Nigeria with healthy meat and export to othercountries we will ensure we sale the highest number of pigs for pork in Nigeriaand increase production every year in other to satisfy our customers.
The most important thing in my business is hygieneand best practices in animal production, Pig farmers, pig butchers wholesalersretailers, abattoirs, meat processing companies, food packaging companies aremy target customers. My business is positioned to take advantage of growthtrends in the country. My most important company strengths are measurement oflife pigs weight, processing and packaging of pork, none of my products areexposed for contamination and best possible hygienic measures are taken. Mycompany will succeed, because we produce the most important bask need that isprotein in from of animal meat, and our products are consumed daily by majorityof Nigeria except for most Islamic sates. Due to the fact that the availablemeets are not enough and are not of the best hygienic standard, we will providequality meat and make profit.
With the experience, Skills, and strengths ofManagement, team and workers to be employed, we will ensure that to businessgrow to become a house hold name in Nigeria and world Class Company.

Pig Farming Business Plan

>To improve marketing and promotional strategiesthrough research (To Increase Marketers)
>To create good customer care services so as tofind out the best tastes and preferences of people / customers – This will helpprovide better services and products.
>To ensure profit maximization since to businessis profit oriented. This is possible through annual performance management reviews andconstant research, so as to enhance the growth of the business.

Piggery Business Plan Pdf Philippines

>To provide employment opportunities and bringproducts nearer to the market.