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The automatic age-progression software can run on a standard computer and takes about 30 seconds to generate results for one face. Science X Daily and the Weekly Email Newsletter are free. Apr 09, 2014 The automatic age-progression software can run on a standard computer and takes about 30 seconds to generate results for one face. Science X Daily and the Weekly Email Newsletter are free.

'Our extensive user studies demonstrated age progression results that are so convincing that people can’t distinguish them from reality,' says Steven Seitz. 'When shown images of an age-progressed child photo and a photo of the same person as an adult, people are unable to reliably identify which one is the real photo.' (Credit: Scott Sherrill-Mix/Flickr)

  1. APRIL ® Face Aging software products are powerful and effective because they provide a personal “before and after” view of your own face as you age. Unlike simple morphing technology, APRIL ® shows how real people age. Our “aging engine” extracts specific aging characteristics from our database of several thousands of real people’s.
  2. The two main age progression categories are child into adult and adult into old age. Combining the two categories is also possible, as a child may become an adult, and then continue to old age. In motion pictures, there are movies in which children physically become adults such as Big, 13 Going on 30.
  3. The automatic age-progression software can run on a standard computer and takes about 30 seconds to generate results for one face. It is not yet available to the public, however.
  4. The Age Regression Story Archive. 2005 Holiday Story Contest (6) Christmas, New Year's or any other Holiday of this part of the year has to be the cause or setting of the story and someone has to be transformed because of a gift - whether the gift was intended for them or not.
  5. Make your face look old. See You In 20 Years!
Free age progression photo

New age-progression software generates images of a young child’s face as it ages through a lifetime, and does so in less than a minute.

The new technique is the first that works with variable lighting, expressions, and poses, researchers say.

“Aging photos of very young children from a single photo is considered the most difficult of all scenarios, so we wanted to focus specifically on this very challenging case,” says Ira Kemelmacher-Shlizerman, assistant professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Washington.

“We took photos of children in completely unrestrained conditions and found that our method works remarkably well.”

The research team has posted a paper on the new technique and will present its findings at the June IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition conference in Columbus, Ohio.

Thousands of faces

The shape and appearance of a baby’s face—and variety of expressions—often change drastically by adulthood, making it hard to model and predict that change. The new technique leverages the average of thousands of faces of the same age and gender, then calculates the visual changes between groups as they age to apply those changes to a new person’s face.
More specifically, the software determines the average pixel arrangement from thousands of random internet photos of faces in different age and gender brackets.

An algorithm then finds correspondences between the averages from each bracket and calculates the average change in facial shape and appearance between ages. The changes are then applied to a new child’s photo to predict how he will appear for any subsequent age up to 80.

Real or not?

The researchers tested their rendered images against those of 82 actual people photographed over a span of years. In an experiment asking random users to identify the correct aged photo for each example, they found that users picked the automatically rendered photos about as often as the real-life ones.

“Our extensive user studies demonstrated age progression results that are so convincing that people can’t distinguish them from reality,” says coauthor Steven Seitz, professor of computer science and engineering. “When shown images of an age-progressed child photo and a photo of the same person as an adult, people are unable to reliably identify which one is the real photo.”

Real-life photos of children are difficult to age-progress, partly due to variable lighting, shadows, funny expressions, and even milk moustaches. To compensate for these effects, the algorithm first automatically corrects for tilted faces, turned heads, and inconsistent lighting, then applies the computed shape and appearance changes to the new child’s face.

Missing children images

Perhaps the most common application of age progression work is for rendering older versions of missing children. These renderings usually are created manually by an artist who uses photos of the child as well as family members, and editing software to account for common changes to a child’s face as it ages, including vertical stretching, wrinkles, and a longer nose.

But the process takes time, and it’s significantly harder to produce an accurate image for children younger than age 5, when facial features more closely resemble that of a baby.

The automatic age-progression software can run on a standard computer and takes about 30 seconds to generate results for one face. While the method considered gender and age, the researchers hope to incorporate other identifiers such as ethnicity, and cosmetic factors such as hair whitening and wrinkles to build a robust enough method for representing every human face.

“I’m really interested in trying to find some representation of everyone in the world by leveraging the massive amounts of captured face photos,” Kemelmacher-Shlizerman says. “The aging process is one of many dimensions to consider.”

Google and Intel Corporation funded the research.

Source: University of Washington

From tech neck to blue-light eyebags what being glued to technology does to your skin

Total internet hits have surged 70 per cent since lockdown began, says research firm Informa Tech. And it’s not just grey roots that could be ageing you, but screen time too.

So just what can we do to avoid tech neck and blue-light eyebags?

Yasmin Harisha asks Dr Jonquille Chantrey, an aesthetic skin surgeon, and dermatologist RGN Emma Coleman about screen-time skin and how we can combat it.

Plus, with the help of experts at Change My Face, we show you here how screen-time damage might alter Yasmin’s face. The artists use their extensive anatomical knowledge and special software to digitally add filters and layers.

Squint hint

Staring at the screen can cause us to squint resulting in fine lines, or crow’s feet, which can become ­permanent.

Free Age Progression Photo

Dr Chantrey recommends an eye test, to see if there is a root cause to your squinting.

Emma says: “The skin around the eyes is very thin. Avoid dark circles by putting your phone away before bed.

“Use a good eye product like Clinique Moisture Surge Eye (£27.50, clinique.co.uk) to keep skin conditioned. I recommend eye gels for saggy skin and creams for hollow under-eyes.”

Selfie shielding

Similar to the sun’s UV rays, blue light is emitted from our technology devices.

Dr Chantrey says: “Blue light can cause spots of age around the face as it can affect melanogenesis, the production of pigment in skin cells. The area mostly exposed to blue light can develop fine lines.”

Emma says: “Signs may include sagging and formation of creases under the eyes.

“Wearing sunscreen daily is the best way to prevent wrinkles and helps to protect against UV rays and blue light.”

Spot the phone addict

If you have tried every remedy under the sun and are still getting spots, it could be caused by your mobile phone.

Free age progression generator

Dr Chantrey says: “Often I see areas of acne exactly where my patients hold their phone to their faces as phones accumulate significant amounts of bacteria.”

Emma says: “I recommend using products with AHA or BHA acids. The ­Ordinary lactic acid 5% + HA 2% (£5.50, ­theordinary.deciem.com) helps keep pores clear and helps spots come to a head.”

Ear-ring aid

Listening through headphones at high volumes can damage the ears and cause inflammation around them or on the neck.

Dr Chantrey says: “Some patients may develop contact dermatitis from some components such as nickel, which can cause inflammation around the ear and neck area.

“If you have found inflammation, or redness, contact your GP to get a full diagnosis. We must clean our ear pieces as invisible bacteria can build up, which causes skin reactions.”

Resting light face

The light from phone screens at night can delay your body’s ­internal clock, ­making it more difficult to fall asleep.

Dr Chantrey says: “The bright artificial light can supress sleep-inducing hormone melatonin. I would recommend changing the settings to a night cycle.”

Emma says: “Lack of sleep can cause lacklustre skin. I recommend the Inkey list retinol serum 30ml (£9.99, lookfantastic.com) which will gently exfoliate away pigmentation as you sleep.”

Tech neck

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Always looking down at your phone to text or scroll through social media? You could be causing extra ­wrinkles on your neck.

Free Age Progression Generator

Dr Chantrey says: “Certain types of neck movement can drag the jawline down quick­er and create vertical bands on the neck.”

Emma adds: “Try to stretch and strengthen muscles in the neck regularly through the day.

Free Age Progression Program

“You can also apply Epionce shield lotion (£32.40, skinstore.com). It will have a tightening and brightening effect.”

Age Progression Photo Services

Emma Coleman has her own skincare brand at www.emmacolemanskin.com